inspirational, Purpose

Disperse your light!

‘Let light shine out of darkness.’
2 Corinthians 4:6

At 299 792 458 meters per second, light waves travel through time and space faster than anything else known to man, yet seeming so incomprehensible to our human mind. Crossing deep darkness, the sun’s light does the impossible to reach us and bring a bright new day.

Sadly, it is common knowledge that the overused saying that ‘nobody is perfect’ serves as an excuse too many times when caught into a corner; sometimes, it resonates with most of us when instead of an honourable reply, we realise we haven’t risen to the challenge – for reasons (un)known.

Most of the time, it is an acceptance of our own limitations, when no matter how hard you’ve worked, how sleep deprived you may be because of the things that ‘had to get done’ before the next day … someone may still find fault in you.

‘Let light shine out of darkness’ reminds us that despite us never conquering perfection, we are still capable of great things. The potential is there, deep inside you – so claim your blessings and start making an impact!

If light photons travel 299 792 458 meters per second just to give us a new start, how much more are you capable of when you’re considered the crown of creation ?

So no matter how far you have to travel, how deep you have to search, starting now, BE BOLD and allow your inner light not only to shine but to disperse blessings on everything and everyone around you, friends, family, neighbours even those you consider enemies. Keep doing your best and if needed, BE BRAVE enough to change direction. Curb your path so that you have time for what truly matters in this world, because there is Someone who will always believe in you and not search fault when you’re following with a pure open heart.

So that at the end of the journey, when light shines through you will have realised that you too, have planted a few rainbows here and there …