Challenge of the Day

Piano Blues: where is the romance?

Where is it?

Has it gone too far for us to reach it? Or have we become so jaded that we just don’t see it?

As one of my favorite French writers once said, falling in love is necessary … if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair we are going to feel anyway.* Sometimes, I am asking myself if that isn’t all that we are looking for: excuses. An alibi that will keep our feelings safe from the criticizing eye of the world and perhaps, from our very own lover. Showing that we care, that we truly love has become unsafe. Instead, we prefer to save the romantic gestures and just ‘keep it real’. I cannot help but wonder, when it comes to relationships, is our reality indeed la vérité, or just a mere projection of what we want to see?

In order to keep things clear, I would like to mention that when referring to romance, I do not mean the tacky, meaningless kind of one, but the real one, that you know with your whole heart that is genuine, that type of romance that makes you feel speechless and lost in the moment, fearlessly exposing your feelings. The kind that leaves you vulnerable and touches every chord of your being. Like a good piano concert, that taps into your senses and makes you vibrate.

My heart’s leftovers: a poem written on a tiny piece of paper and carefully hidden in the gift box. I still have it, although it’s been over four years now and it still gives me the thrills of that first date. Among other romantic expressions, this one I will cherish the most. Always. And simply can’t stop asking myself, what a greater romance than knowing those lyrics are all about you, just for you. And no, I do not need to shake the dust off it, because it’s out there, in the author’s eyes, every single time.

*Albert Camus

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