
Where does your life begin?

photo from dawnkaiser.com

“For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.” – Romans 11:29

Hi friends! If you’re anything like me, then you would have already experienced what it means to dream of doing the impossible. To keep going and believing that circumstances will change because you are where you’re meant to be at this very moment. Anyone? (Raise your 🖐)

Five years ago, I was embarking on the most difficult year of training of my entire life – surrounded by new places, people I didn’t know, finances were low, at one point even living with people I didn’t know all because I knew that’s what I was called to do. It felt like the longest year of my life when during the first four or five months of a daily almost 4-hour commute of train and busses, feeling so burned out I was ready to give it all up. Everyone told I couldn’t do this anymore, that I shouldn’t carry on as it wasn’t worth it, health-wise and financially speaking when it got to the point that I couldn’t afford the commute any longer- and let me clarify, not because my bank account was low, but because it was empty.

So, I took a week off and waited … for a miracle to happen, literally.

And you know what the weirdest thing was ? When I actually started to believe that things were going to get better, that my circumstances would change, that it was only temporary not permanent….things just fell into place. The moment I stopped grappling and running myself into burn out and depression, my bursary finally came through, I found a small room to rent and no longer had to commute daily. Afterwards, even my performance improved. Until then, people I started working with, even mentors, weren’t able to understand and relate to my struggle; even worse they questioned my perseverance in front of all that. However, I knew that it was my calling and I could see it crystal-clear in my head the day when my personal struggles would be ironed out.

What I’m trying to say, dear friends or strangers reading (between) these lines and maybe not understanding a word of this post, or on the contrary, you can relate 100% to a moment in your life that felt this way, is that I wouldn’t have become all that I am today had I stayed in the comfortable area of my life, ignoring my calling, just grappling to make ends meet and not take any risk.

Life is so short, so take the risk today! Stop postponing the dream you have in your heart, it’s there for a reason and go for it with all your heart. Whilst I can’t guarantee it will always be easy, as I have learnt myself five years later, you will have the zeal, the grace and strength to go through with it if you believe. And if it just gets too hard, ask and believe that God is with you every step of the way, and if it’s still hard, then just wait… believe and wait.

After all, you are unique, your gifts are one of a kind, and if you don’t feel you’re living honouring those gifts then make a choicechoose calling over comfort. We need you! The world needs you.

p.s. sometimes we go through difficult times so that our skills and attitude are honed, maybe preparing ourselves for an even bigger dream. I’ve already started 🙂

Photo from desiretheword.wordpress.com

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