Books over Coffee, Thoughts on Paper

Of loneliness and light


Some of the owner men were kind, because of what they had to do, and some of them were angry because they hated to be cruel, and some of them were cold because they had long ago found out that one could not be an owner unless one were cold.

All of them were caught in something larger than themselves.’ 

The Grapes of Wrath – by John Steinbeck

It feels like I’m standing on top of a hill, where the air is rarified making me breathe  deeper and I need to remember to exhale. The anticipation of what awaits combined with memories of how it used to be risk of being shattered should I dare to look past this hill. Do you feel the same? 

In this time of so much uncertainty where life has proven once again to be unfair and unkind to many, whilst the happy few are ignorant of the bliss that’s offered to them I am reminded of young Tom, coming home and hoping to find his family, only to be confronted with a deserted view: the crumbling house, the silence, the cotton growing wildly in the outhouse and more dark green stems covering the field where once the corn covered the sky. His second chances shattered. Did you ever feel this way?

Whilst this is uncharted territory and the entire world is baffled with varied feelings, I cannot help but wonder, what’s changed since 1939 when people where forcefully taken away from the land they worked on, the land they were born on and they planned to die on? Hard work and becoming one with their crops seems to now translate into hard work and loosing our identities when it’s taken away from us. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that the answer lies in our community – now more than ever before, I’ve come to realise just how quintessential it is to be there for someone, without expecting anything in return, moving away from selfishness and feeling buried away under the pressure of expectations. Does it make you feel this way?

For some of you, it may just be a lonely evening and all you feel inside is the need to reconnect with whoever you once where, but as I am asking myself to reconsider, I am asking you as well – take a deep breath, look past hill and envisage the future you want to build because one thing is for sure, nothing can ever be the same unless we learn to be there for each other to overcome this too. Breathe and hope that tomorrow will be better for all of us, because you are not alone!

I feel a second chance is given to re-write our story – hope you feel the same way too!