
Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Yesterday I had the privilege to be nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, by Viktoryarch to whom I am truly grateful. 

The rules:

The nominee shall display the Very Inspiring Blogger Award logo on her/his blog, and link to the blog they got nominated from. Should you find some inspiration from your other fellows, do not hesitate to mention them (15 nominees).

Here are my fifteen nominees, that I admire, and the links to their pages:

1. http://litadoolan.wordpress.com

2. http://ultimatemindsettoday.wordpress.com

3. http://mybookself.org

4. http://abozdar.wordpress.com

5. http://shivanshchaudhary.wordpress.com

6. http://dmelicertes.wordpress.com

7. http://winterbayne.wordpress.com

8. http://aopinionatedman.com

9. http://harmonynsolace.wordpress.com

10. http://creatingyourhappyseason.wordpress.com

11. http://blainecindy.com

12. http://www.playwithlife.org

13. http://lovehappynotes.wordpress.com

14. http://fredcolton.wordpress.com

15. http://alyshakaye.wordpress.com

Also, do not forget to mention three things that  inspired you this week.

The things that (always) inspire me to write:

*My fellow writers, here on WordPress.com.

*The day to day , whether small or mind blowing events that are the source, the powering through in my writing.

*My Loved ones ~ last but not least, because my life without them – I simply could not imagine that.

12 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”

  1. Congrats.
    Our inspiration truly come from the family, friends and fellow bloggers.
    I would also add the pen and paper, for some it’s a laptop.


  2. Congratulations on your award! You certainly do deserve it. I’d also like to thank you for nominating me. It was so kind and thoughtful of you to do so. I’ve already received this award, but I will always feel honored that you thought of me.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re so sweet; thanks so much! This was only my second award and I was absolutely thrilled when I received it. It’s nice to be recognized by our fellow bloggers and I’m so glad that you received this award, too! I hope you have an amazing day.

        Liked by 1 person

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